Hydrolytic residues of the cell walls of 48 strains of Actinoplanaceae, previously assigned to 10 species and the four genera, Actinoplanes, Ampullariella, Amorphosporangium, and Pilimelia, were examined by paper chromatography and column chromatography. Comparisons were made for taxonomic purposes between the groupings obtained, by use of chemical characters and the groupings currently recognized morphologically. Most of the species investigated had qualitatively distinct cell wall compositions. Often, however, the cell wall compositions of species in different genera were more similar, in some respects, than were those of species in the same genus. Quantification of the cell wall amino acids and amino sugars substantiated that cross-generic similarities existed. Based on these results and the morphological conclusions reached by other investigators, a single-genus concept is suggested for the Actinoplanaceae examined.