Temperature-sensitive mutants of the murine coronavirus JHM induced a subacute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (SDE) in young rats. Neurological symptoms were associated with marked lesions of primary demyelination in the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS), and developing after an incubation time of several weeks to months. Many rats survived this infection and recovered completely from this CNS disease. Among 43 survivors of SDE, 9 rats developed a relapse 27-153 days after onset of the first attack. Neuropathological examination of these animals revealed areas of fresh demyelination together with old remyelinated lesions. Viral antigens were detectable in the neighbourhood of fresh lesions and in some cases infectious virus was re-isolated from rats revealing low antibody titers to JHM virus. These results demonstrate that mutants of JHM virus can induce a relapsing demyelinating disease process, associated with a persistent infection, which possesses some similarities to chronic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.