Opsin-immunoreactive sites of hypothalamic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons, pinealocytes and retinal cells were studied in various vertebrates (Carassius auratus, Phoxinus phoxinus, Triturus cristatus, Bombina bombina, Rana esculenta) by means of postembedding immuno-electron microscopy with the use of the protein A-gold labeling method. The retina of the rat served as a general reference tissue for the quality of the immunocytochemical reaction. A strong opsin immunoreaction (rat-antibovine opsin serum) was obtained in the rod-type outer segments of photoreceptors in the retina of all species studied. Cone-type outer segments exhibited only very few antigenic binding sites. In the pineal organ of the goldfish and the frog, outer segments of the photoreceptor cells displayed strong immunoreactivity. No immunoreaction was found in hypothalamic CSF-contacting neurons and Landolt's clubs of nerve cells of the bipolar layer of the retina. The morphological similarity between the ciliated dendritic terminal of the Landolt's club and the intraventricular dendritic ending of the CSF-contacting neurons is emphasized.