The levels of rat plasma beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity following a 30 min exposure to (1) an unfamiliar operant chamber, (2) an unfamiliar operant chamber providing a VI-5 second schedule of 3 mA, 1 sec footshocks, or (3) a familiar chamber providing no shocks, but previously paired with unavoidable shocks were compared to control values from animals left undisturbed in their familiar home cages. The shocked group showed ten-fold elevations of beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity compared to the undisturbed control animals, while conditioned rats showed a smaller two-fold elevation when re-exposed to a chamber in which they had previously been shocked. Two of five rats exposed merely to an unfamiliar chamber showed elevations, but there was no statistically reliable group effect. Such procedures may be useful for controlled and parametric studies of the mobilization of pituitary or brain pools of beta-endorphin under conditions involving merely anticipation of pain rather than the actual activation of ascending nervous pain pathways.