We studied 143 Pi MZ heterozygous (MZ) subjects from random populations that had been examined previously for alpha 1-antitrypsin phenotype. Each Pi MZ subject was closely matched with a Pi M control subject from the same population at each of 6 centers. An expanded National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) respiratory symptom questionnaire was completed by each subject. Pulmonary function tests designed to detect established as well as early obstructive airway abnormalities were administered. Multivariate analysis of the variance of data from the questionnaire and pulmonary function tests corrected for age, race, sex, and smoking history showed no significant difference (p less than 0.05) between subjects of Pi MZ and Pi M phenotype. The size of the populations studied and number of observations made for each variable were sufficient to assure that small differences could be detected with 95% power. We conclude that MZ phenotype alone carries no greater risk of developing lung disease than M phenotype.