[Vitamin supply of miners employed in modern highly-mechanized coal mines]

Vopr Pitan. 1984 Sep-Oct:(5):33-6.
[Article in Russian]


The author studied vitamin C, B2, B6, E, A and carotinoid supply of the miners of modern highly mechanized coal mines. The reduction in the supply of the miners with individual vitamins and frequent manifestations of the microsymptoms of their deficiency were of the microsymptoms of their deficiency were linked to a definite degree with high physiological requirements of the miners, associated with the specificity of work at highly mechanized mines.

Publication types

  • Comparative Study
  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Ascorbic Acid Deficiency / epidemiology
  • Avitaminosis / epidemiology*
  • Coal Mining*
  • Humans
  • Occupational Diseases / epidemiology*
  • Seasons
  • USSR
  • Vitamin B Deficiency / epidemiology