Though gamma-Oryzanol has been applicated as the autonomic agent in various fields for a few decades, recently its effect on lipid metabolism comes to be much more interested. We studied on the effect of gamma-Oryzanol on climacteric disturbance, and besides on the difference of lipid peroxides level which has an important and indispensable connection with mary syndromes involving aging. We obtained the following results from 40 subjects with climacteric disturbance after administration of gamma-Oryzanol Fine Particule 1.5 g (gamma-Oryzanol 300 mg included) for 4 to 8 weeks. 1. 90% of the cases improved generally; Excellent 16 (40%), Good 14 (35%), Effective 6 (15%), No change 4 (10%). 2. Effect on climacteric disturbance was judged by the Kupperman method and the Ueda method; generally recovered 85%, 80% each. 3. Significantly reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride and increased HDL-cholesterol were noted in cases with hyperlipidemia (TC greater than or equal to 220 mg/dl, TG greater than or equal to 140 mg/dl, HDL-chol. less than or equal to 45 mg/dl). Therefore, atherogenic index was excellently recovered. 4. In cases with climacteric disturbance lipid peroxides level was high, and they were significantly recovered by administration of gamma-Oryzanol. 5. During this study, no side effects have been recognized and no particular change in function test was found. Thus, we confirmed the efficacy and utility of gamma-Oryzanol on many complaints in climacteric disturbance and also on lipid metabolism.