Fluorescein angiography was carried out in 93 eyes with diabetic maculopathy and the state of the perifoveal capillary network within the zone of one half the disc diameter was studied. Nonperfusing capillary areas were found and the condition was classified into two grades: grade 1, the nonperfusing area less than 50% of the circumference of the network, and grade 2, more than 50% of the network. The visual prognosis was followed for 2 years. The initial and final visual acuities were significantly lower in the grade 2 than in the grade 1 group. There were more eyes showing visual deterioration during the follow-up period in the grade 2 than in the grade 1 group. It was thought that the condition of perfusion of the perifoveal capillary network is one of the determining factors of the visual prognosis in diabetic maculopathy.