PIP: The concentrations of sodium (Na) and potassium (K) in seminal fluid were measured at different states of fertility (normospermic-azoospermic) and in postvasectomized specimens. Volume of seminal fluid in oligospermic and azoospermic groups was relatively less than in other groups. Semen Na was highest in the postvasectomized group (286.9 mg/100 ml), intermediate in the normospermic group (267.6 mg/100 ml), and lowest in the asthenospermic group (260.1 mg/100 ml). By t-statistics, there was no significant difference in the semen Na concentration among the different groups (7 groups total based on sperm count), indicating the insignificant role of Na in sperm motility. The K content of seminal fluid of normospermic, oligospermic, and necrospermic groups ranged from 81.6-61.9 mg/100 ml, whereas the asthenospermic, oligospermic, azoospermic, and postvasectomized groups had insignificant differences as revealed by t-statistics (range 103.5-129.8 mg/100 ml). Normospermic and oligoasthenospermic values of K were 81.6 and 68.5 mg, respectively; semen K in necrospermic and postvasectomized groups was 61.9 and 108.8 mg, respectively; again, K played an insignificant role in sperm motility. These values also show that vasectomy had no effect on electrolytes. Some variations in K concentration were found in some groups, but no correlation with physical parameters could be made. However, good correlation was observed between Na and K in normospermic men as well as in the pooled data of different groups.