First somatosensory cortical columns and associated neuronal clusters of nucleus ventralis posterolateralis of the cat: an anatomical demonstration

J Comp Neurol. 1981 May 20;198(3):515-39. doi: 10.1002/cne.901980309.


Microlesions (30--275 microns in diameter) were placed in VPLm of the cat and the terminal axonal degeneration in SI cortex was stained using the Fink-Heimer I technique. Following each of these microlesions, small, localized patches or subcolumns of degeneration, relatively light in density, were observed within laminae IIIb and IV of SI when viewed in the coronal plane. In addition, a few degenerating fibers ascended to lamina I. These multiple subcolumns had distinct radial boundaries and were narrow in the mediolateral plane (80--120 microns in width) but elongated rostro-caudally (2500--3000 microns in length). Localized patches of degeneration were separated at their widest points by a distance of 500 microns medio--laterally, but at various rostro--caudal levels of SI were observed to merge into larger columns of degeneration (250--400 microns) and then separate again into smaller multiple patches (i.e., a "zebra-like" pattern). Small injections of HRP into the forelimb region of area 3b or rostral area 1--2 of SI resulted in the labeling of small, discrete clusters of neurons in the ventral regions of VPLm. The clusters examined ranged in size from 140--350 microns in medio--lateral diameter and were elongated rostro--caudally (up to 500 microns in extent); virtually all cells within a cluster appeared labeled, but not equally so. A pattern of HRP labeling different from that observed following area 3b and rostral area 1--2 injections was observed following injections into more caudal regions of area 1--2 and into SII cortex. The labeling that resulted from these injections was not in the form of neuronal clusters but instead labeled cells tended to be scattered in more dorsal regions of VPLm. This scattering did not appear to be random since the labeled neurons were grouped within the same general area of VPLm. Labeling was distributed throughout a number of cell clusters, comprising only a small proportion of cells within each cluster. The pattern of labeling seen after caudal area 1--2 and SII injections differed only in its rostro--caudal extent within VPLm. SII injections generally resulted in labeling along the full rostro--caudal dimension of VPLm. A differential organization of the anatomy of thalamocortical projections to the various subdivisions of SI and to SII was noted in this study. It is postulated that the multiple, discrete patches of degeneration in laminae IIIb and IV of SI represent a portion of the somatosensory cortical columns and that the HRP-labeled clusters seen in VPLm following area 3b and rostral area 1--2 are the subcortical equivalents of these subcolumns.

Publication types

  • Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.

MeSH terms

  • Afferent Pathways / anatomy & histology
  • Animals
  • Cats
  • Female
  • Forelimb / innervation
  • Horseradish Peroxidase
  • Nerve Degeneration
  • Neurons / ultrastructure
  • Somatosensory Cortex / anatomy & histology*
  • Thalamic Nuclei / anatomy & histology*


  • Horseradish Peroxidase