KLN205 cells, a cloned cell line established from the Nettesheim lung carcinoma, grow in various synthetic media such as MEM, Fisher's or Roswell Park Memorial Institute Medium (RPMI) with the addition of 5 to 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS), calf-serum (CS) or horse serum (HS). They grow optimally in minimum Eagle's medium plus nonessential amino acids (NEAA) plus 5 to 10% FBS or HS. The cells are transplantable to DBA/2, BDF1, AKD2F1, and BALB/c, but not to C3H/He or ICR mice. The growth curves, plating efficiency, ultrastructural characteristics, modal number of chromosomes and transplantability to mice of various strains are almost the same for early and late passage of cells passaged in vitro. These parameters for 16th and 36th passages were: doubling time, 31 and 33 hr; plating efficiency, 12.4 +/- 1.2 and 14.6 +/- 2.6%; modal number of chromosomes, 73 and 76; lung colony formation in DBA/2, 50 and 45.9/mouse; and subcutaneous tumor diameter 24.5 and 27.4 mm, respectively. Only the numbers of lung colonies formed in BDF1 mice were different: 24.4/mouse with 16th passage cells, and 10.2/mouse with 36th passage cells. The results suggest that KLN205 is a relatively stable cultured cell line through 36 passages. As was expected, immunosuppression by higher concentrations of triaminolone acetonide (TA) enhanced lung colony formation in BDF1 mice. On the other hand, a low concentration of TA inhibited lung colony formation in DBA/2 mice, which was unexpected. These results suggest that KLN205 offers a model for investigations on metastases to lungs as well as chemotherapy for lung carcinoma.