Recording of glutamate-activated currents in membrane patches was combined with RT-PCR-mediated AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit mRNA analysis in single identified cells of rat brain slices. Analysis of AMPARs in principal neurons and interneurons of hippocampus and neocortex and in auditory relay neurons and Bergmann glial cells indicates that the GluR-B subunit in its flip version determines formation of receptors with relatively slow gating, whereas the GluR-D subunit promotes assembly of more rapidly gated receptors. The relation between Ca2+ permeability of AMPAR channels and the relative GluR-B mRNA abundance is consistent with the dominance of this subunit in determining the Ca2+ permeability of native receptors. The results suggest that differential expression of GluR-B and GluR-D subunit genes, as well as splicing and editing of their mRNAs, account for the differences in gating and Ca2+ permeability of native AMPAR channels.