In this study we examined, in two experiments, patterns of follicular development and dominance under conditions of heat stress. Estrous cycles were programmed to include two follicular waves (wave 1 and 2). On Day 1 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 = estrus), cows were assigned randomly to cooled (C; n = 6) or heat-stressed (H; n = 6) groups. In experiment 1, on Day 12 prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha was injected and a controlled intravaginal drug release device (1.9 g progesterone) was inserted (this was removed on Day 17). In experiment 2, PGF 2 alpha was injected on Day 14. Ovarian structures were examined daily by ultrasonography, and blood samples were collected at each scanning. Cycle lengths were 20 and 17 days in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Mean maximal body temperatures were higher (p < 0.01) in H (40.3 degrees C) than in C (38.8 degrees C) cows. In experiment 1, the rate of increase in number of large follicles (> or = 10 mm) was greater in H than in C cows (p < 0.01), resulting in 53% more large follicles in H cows during wave 1; this was associated with a lower (p < 0.05) number of medium-sized (6-9 mm) follicles between Days 7 and 10 of the cycle. Heat stress hastened (p < 0.02) the decrease in size of the first-wave dominant follicle and hastened (p < 0.01) the emergence of the second dominant (preovulatory) follicle by 2 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)