This retrospective study evaluates the time and site of relapse as well as the median survival of 454 consecutive patients with T3-T4 Nx Mo breast cancer treated with radiation therapy from 1968 to 1972. Radiotherapy was delivered with kilovoltage to the first 221 patients and with cobalt to 233 patients, respectively. A group of 133 selected patients was subjected to radical mastectomy 6-8 weeks after completion of the irradiation. The incidence of first relapse was 45% within the first 18 months from starting radiotherapy. The incidence of relapse was higher in presence than in absence of regional adenopathy, with no statistical difference between T3 and T4. Inflammatory carcinoma showed the highest percent of relapse during the first 12 months (48%). The relapse rate appeared independent from type of irradiation. The site of first relapse occurred more often (68%) in areas distant from irradiation fields. Sterilization of both primary tumor and regional nodes was obtained only in 10% of patients. The median survival for the whole series was 2.5 years, with no significant difference between roentgen therapy (3 years) and cobalt (2.5 years). Unfavorable survival was directly related to the presence of regional adenopathies (2.3 years), especially in the supraclavicular fossa (1.4 years) and of inflammatory carcinoma (1.2 years). Patients treated with radiotherapy followed by surgery showed a median survival of 3.9 years compared to 2.1 years for those given only irradiation. The importance of sequentially combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy is discussed.