Responses of the skin over the dorsum to solar UV irradiation (2 hours/d for 6 consecutive days) were investigated in hairless descendants of Mexican hairless dogs. Assessment of skin color changes, using a spectrophotometer, indicated that luminance values began to decrease from the third day of UV irradiation, reached the minimal value at 3 weeks, and almost recovered 12 weeks after completion of UV irradiation. The number of the dihydroxyphenylalanine-positive melanocytes increased significantly (P < 0.01) from the third day of UV irradiation, reached its maximal value at 2 weeks, and recovered to normal at 12 weeks after completion of UV irradiation. On the second day of UV irradiation, the epidermis became focally thick, with disarrangement of component cells that had degenerative changes. In addition, a few so-called sunburn cells with pyknotic nuclei were seen in the epidermis. On the third day of UV irradiation, apparent suntan reaction developed, and a large number of epithelial cells in the epidermis were heavily pigmented with melanin granules. At 12 weeks after completion of UV irradiation, the epidermis appeared almost normal. On the other hand, significant changes were not detected in the dermis throughout the study.