The authors have studied 70 postmeningitic hearing losses in children. The deafness was acquired before the age of 2 year-old in 71% of the cases. Profound losses were observed in 50% considering the 1000 Hz at +100 dB, on the best ear as a selection criterion, 31 cases/70 (= 44%) could benefit from a cochlear implant. Among these 31 cases, 71% (= 22 cases) are prelingually deafness, that is which have occurred before the age of 2 years old. In 2 profound deafness cases, a late improvement of initial threshold, brings to consider with caution the 6 to 12 months time limit which is recommended by the different teams. In 3 other cases of moderate or severe losses, an improvement of the thresholds has been also observed. Because of psychological disturbances or other after-effects, a very regular medical following of these children is needed.