The radiologic and endoscopic studies in 30 lesions of 30 gastric peptic ulcers associated with candida infection diagnosed histologically and the follow-up studies in 23 lesions of 23 patients over period of 6 months to 12 years were performed. 1. The ratio of male to female was 5:1, 43% were found over 7th decade and 33% with systemic diseases. 2. Although the ulcers showed no characteristic endoscopic and radiologic features, half of them were found in the upper part of the stomach (60%), measured more than 2.0 cm in diameter (54%), with UI-II in depth (54%), with unclear border (60%). 3. The curability of gastric ulcers was low with 30% cured in 6 months or more of follow-up period. 4. The continuity of candida infection, bleeding or perforation from the ulcer, candidemia or fatal accident were not encountered without antimycotic treatment.