The nuclear genes PET117 and PET191 are required for the assembly of active cytochrome c oxidase in S. cerevisiae, yet their gene products are not subunits of the final assembled cytochrome c oxidase complex. Plasmids bearing PET117 or PET191 were isolated by their ability to complement the pet117-1 or pet191-1 mutations, respectively. By restriction mapping, subcloning, and deletion analysis of yeast DNA fragments that complement these mutations, the PET117 and PET191 genes were localized to smaller regions of DNA, which were then sequenced from both strands. The PET117 open reading frame is of 107 codons and the PET191 open reading frame is of 108 codons. Neither the PET191 nor PET117 DNA sequences have been reported previously, and the derived amino-acid sequences of the PET191 and PET117 open reading frames exhibit no significant primary amino-acid sequence similarity to other protein sequences available in the NBRF data base, or from translated Genbank sequences. By hybridization of PET117 or PET191 probes first to a chromosome blot and next to a library of physically mapped fragments of yeast genomic DNA, the map locations of the PET191 and PET117 genes were determined. PET117 is located on chromosome V near the HIS1 gene and PET191 is located on chromosome X near the CYC1 gene.