The role of myocardial perfusion imaging in the evaluation of post revascularization patients has not been well defined. Published data with special emphasis on the results from the Emory Angioplasty versus Surgery Trial (EAST) indicate that the frequency of adverse cardiac events (death, MI, repeat revascularization) following PTCA or CABG is equal in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients with ischemic thallium defects. Current American Heart Association Guidelines recommend radionuclide studies only in symptomatic patients. Recently reported data support the need for non invasive testing in asymptomatic as well as symptomatic patients at 1 year post-revascularization. Prognostic variables including transient and permanent left ventricular dilatation and thallium lung uptake in addition to stress perfusion defect reversibility on myocardial thallium SPECT scans are important prognostic indicators in post revascularization patients.