Objective: To determine the ability of porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) infections to induce passive immunity in suckling pigs to transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) challenge exposure. DESIGN AND ANIMALS: 4 TGEV seronegative sows and their litters (group A) served as controls, whereas 2 other groups (B and C) of sows (also TGEV seronegative) were oronasally inoculated with live PRCV during 1 or 2 subsequent pregnancies, respectively.
Procedure: Effectiveness of passive immunity provided to pigs via colostrum and milk was assessed after TGEV challenge exposure, and TGEV antibody responses in colostrum and milk were analyzed.
Results: Mortality in the 3 groups of young pigs correlated with severity of clinical signs of TGEV infection and was highest in control litters (86% in group-A pigs) and lowest in litters of sows inoculated with PRCV in 2 subsequent pregnancies (14% in group-C pigs). Virus-neutralization and IgA and IgG TGEV antibody titers of milk collected from sows at challenge exposure had significant positive correlation with litter survival. Significantly higher numbers of TGEV-specific IgA and IgG antibody-secreting cells were found in group-A pigs than in group-C pigs, suggesting that high titer of maternal antibodies (induced in group-C sows multiply exposed to PRCV) may interfere with active antibody responses.
Conclusions and clinical relevance: Results suggest that, in PRCV-infected pig herds, multiple exposures of pregnant sows are associated with higher IgA and IgG antibody titers to TGEV in milk, and these titers contribute to protection against TGEV infection.