Oral calcium carbonate (0-5 g, pH 9-4) increased serum gastrin and gastric acid output with slight but insignificant change in serum calcium. A similar rise in serum calcium during an intravenous infusion of calcium gluconate failed to increase serum gastrin and gastric acid output. Both intragastric calcium actions were abolished by acidification of the calcium carbonate solution (pH 1-0). The increase in serum gastrin and gastric acid output after intragastric calcium carbonate was not affected, however, by a simultaneous intraduodenal acid load. Equivalent neutralising doses of magnesium hydroxide (pH 9-4) did not increase serum gastrin and gastric acid output above basal levels, whereas antral acidification with 20 ml 0-1 N HCl resulted in a slight decrease in serum gastrin. Intraduodenal calcium carbonate (pH 3-0) also increased serum gastrin and gastric acid output, whereas an equivalent volume of intraduodenal saline (pH 3-0) had no effect. These findings indicate that calcium increases serum gastrin by local stimulation of antral and duodenal mucosa. They also suggest that the action of calcium on gastric secretion is partly mediated by gastrin.