Warfarin potassium (warfarin) is one of anticoagulants. Its anticoagulant effect is induced by inhibiting vitamin K in a complex manner. It is used effectively and safely in preventing cerebral embolism of cardiac origin, provided that thrombotest (TT) values is maintained from 10 to 20%. A 75-year-old man with atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy had cerebral embolism in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery. Warfarin therapy was started to prevent the recurrence of embolic stroke. TT values had been well controlled until intake of chlorella, but they rose above the therapeutic limit after its intake. There was no evidence of discontinuing warfarin, or taking drugs containing vitamin K or Natto. Chlorella is one of vitamin K-rich foods. Thus, it may inhibit the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.