A novel wavelet-based neural network (WNN) filter is proposed for image restoration as required for imaging of beta emitters by bremsstrahlung detection using a gamma camera. Quantitative imaging of beta emitters is important for the in vivo management of antibody therapy using either P-32 or Y-90. The theoretical basis for the general case for M-channel multiresolution wavelet decomposition of the nuclear image into different subimages is developed with the objective of isolating the signal from noise. A modified Hopfield neural network (NN) architecture is then used for multichannel image restoration using the dominant signal subimages. The NN model avoids the common inverse problem associated with other image restoration filters such as the Wiener filter. The relative performance of the WNN for image restoration, for M = 2 channel, is compared to a previously reported order statistic neural network hybrid (OSNNH) filter. Initially simulated degraded images of known structures with different noise levels are used. Quantitative metrics such as the normalized mean square error (NMSE) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are used to compare filter performance. The WNN yields comparable results for image restoration with suggested slightly better performance for the images with higher noise levels as often encountered in bremsstrahlung detection. Attenuation measurements were performed using two radionuclides, 32P and 90Y as required for calibration of the gamma camera for quantitative measurements. Similar values for an effective attenuation coefficient were observed for the restored images using the OSNNH filters (32P: mu = 0.122 cm-1, 90Y: mu = 0.135 cm-1) and WNN (32P: mu = 0.122 cm-1, 90Y: mu = 0.135 cm-1) filters with slightly higher values obtained for the raw data (32P: mu = 0.142 cm-1, 90Y: mu = 0.142 cm-1) for a 3.5-cm source size. The WNN, however, was computationally more efficient by a factor of 4 to 6 compared to the OSNNH filter. The filter architecture, in turn, is also optimum for parallel processing or VLSI implementation as required for planar and particularly for SPECT mode of detection.