Purpose: We have evaluated the progression of isolated superficial venous thrombosis to deep vein thrombosis in patients with no initial deep venous involvement.
Methods: Patients with thrombosis isolated to the superficial veins with no evidence of deep venous involvement by duplex ultrasound examination were evaluated by follow-up duplex ultrasonography to determine the incidence of disease progression into the deep veins of the lower extremities. Initial and follow-up duplex scans evaluated the femoropopliteal and deep calf veins in their entirety; follow-up studies were done at an average of 6.3 days, ranging from 2 to 10 days.
Results: From January 1992 to January 1996, 263 patients were identified with isolated superficial venous thrombosis. Thirty (11%) patients had documented progression to deep venous involvement. The most common site of deep vein involvement was progression of disease from the greater saphenous vein in the thigh into the common femoral vein (21 patients, 70%), with 18 of these extensions noted to be nonocclusive and 12 having a free-floating component. Three patients had extended above-knee saphenous vein thrombi through thigh perforators to occlude the femoral vein in the thigh, three patients had extended below-knee saphenous disease into the popliteal vein, and three patients had extended below-knee thrombi into the tibioperoneal veins with calf perforators. At the time of the follow-up examination all 30 patients were being treated without anticoagulation.
Conclusions: Proximal saphenous vein thrombosis should be treated with anticoagulation or at least followed by serial duplex ultrasound evaluation so that definitive therapy may be initiated, if progression is noted. More distal superficial venous thrombosis should be carefully followed clinically and repeat duplex ultrasound scans performed, if progression is noted or patient symptoms worsen.