This study investigated the effect of bicuculline methiodide (BMI) microinjection into basolateral amygdala (BLA) on conditioned odor aversion. Bilateral injections of BMI (39 or 59 pmol/0.2 microliter) or artificial CSF were done in the BLA 5 min after the presentation of the conditioned stimulus (water intake at an almond-scented tube). This was followed 30 min later by lithium chloride-induced toxicosis. Whereas under these experimental conditions control rats (CSF injected) did not develop a conditioned odor aversion, BMI-treated rats (59 pmol) did so, suggesting that the blockade of GABAA receptors facilitated this learning. This facilitation was unlikely due to an unconditioned action of BMI, as a group microinjected with 59 pmol of BMI but not intoxicated did not display conditioned aversion. This result suggest that blockade of the GABAA receptors can prolong the olfactory trace duration, making it accessible to association with delayed toxicosis. Combined with previous results, these data support the hypothesis that the GABAergic system of the basolateral amygdala exerts control over the duration of a short-term odor trace in our conditioned odor aversion paradigms.