Routine postmortem examinations and the pathobiological features revealed by systematically designed studies have shown several pathologic phenotypes that are often characteristic enough to differentiate among the various SAM strains: senile amyloidosis in SAMP1, -P2, -P7, -P9, -P10, and -P11; secondary amyloidosis in SAMP2 and -P6; contracted kidney in SAMP1, -P2, -P10, and -P11; immunoblastic lymphoma in SAMR1 and -R4; histiocytic sarcoma in SAMR1 and -R4; ovarian cysts in SAMR1; impaired immune response in SAMP1, -P2, and -P8; hyperinflation of the lungs in SAMP1; hearing impairment in SAMP1; degenerative temporomandibular joint disease in SAMP3; senile osteoporosis in SAMP6; deficits in learning and memory in SAMP8 and -P10; emotional disorders in SAMP8 and -P10; cataracts in SAMP9; and brain atrophy in SAMP10. These are all age-associated pathologies, the incidence and severity of which increase with advancing age. The SAM model in which these pathobiological features have been carefully monitored will be a valuable tool in the clarification of the pathogenic mechanisms of age-associated pathologies and in the research for effective methods to modulate or ameliorate these pathologies.