Objective: To address the surgical and habilitative issues raised by cochlear implantation in children with cochlear dysplasia.
Study design: The English-language literature is reviewed and the New York University Medical Center experience with three patients is detailed. Two hundred institutions performing cochlear implants were queried by questionnaire.
Setting: Hospitals performing cochlear implantation.
Patients: Pediatric patients with a cochlear implant in an ear with a dysplastic cochlea.
Main outcome measures: Preoperative computed tomography analysis of cochlear anatomy was compared with operative findings, complications, and postoperative device use.
Results: Facial nerve anatomy was anomalous in 16% of patients, and there were two surgical injuries. There were no cases of meningitis. All patients who received multichannel implants derive benefit and wear their devices.
Conclusions: All degrees of cochlear dysplasia, ranging from incomplete partition to common cavity, can be safely implanted and auditory responses expected.