A multicenter study of the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) was carried out to determine acceptability, satisfaction, and utilization in 10 different populations, and to confirm the efficacy of the method. Efficacy data are presented in a companion paper. A protocol was designed at the Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georgetown University Medical Center, and reviewed and modified in collaboration with the co-sponsors, the World Health Organization, the South-to-South Cooperation for Reproductive Health, and the principal investigators from each site. Data were gathered prospectively on LAM users at 11 sites. Data were entered and cleaned on-site, and further cleaned and analyzed at IRH, using country-level and pooled data to produce descriptive statistics. The overall satisfaction with LAM was 83.6%, and continuation with another method of family planning was shown to be 67.6% at 9 months postpartum, in most cases exceeding previous use of contraception prior to use of LAM. Knowledge and understanding of the method at discontinuation were high, ranging from 78.4 to 88.6% for the three criteria. LAM can be used with a high level of satisfaction and success by women in a variety of cultures, health care settings, socio-economic strata, and industrial and developing country settings. The results confirm that LAM is acceptable and ready for widespread use, and should be included in the range of services available in maternal and child health, family planning, and other primary health care settings.