To study the neuronal mechanism of a conditioned taste-aversion (CTA) learning in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, we examined the synaptic connection between the neuron 1 medial (N1M) cell and the cerebral giant cell (CGC), the former is an interneuron in central pattern generator for the feeding response and the latter is a regulatory neuron to the central pattern generator. Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) which was evoked in the N1M cell by activation of the CGC was larger and lasted longer in the conditioned animal than that in the control animal. The electrical properties of the cell body of CGC and the responses of the CGC to the chemosensory inputs were not changed during the CTA learning. These results, together with the previous report indicating the existence of excitatory projection from the N1M cell to the feeding motoneuron, suggest that enhanced IPSP in the N1M cell may underlie the suppression of feeding responses in the Lymnaea CTA learning.