Snoring is a significant problem both for the patient and for the bedpartner. It is well known that nasal stuffiness can contribute to snoring, and sleep quality may deteriorate because of the snoring. Nasal dilation can reduce snoring and improve sleep. Thirty-five habitual snorers (18 female, 17 male) and their bedpartners participated in an open label study. The patients were diagnosed as heavy snorers after they underwent overnight polysomnography showing that their apnoea indexes were below 5, thus sleep apnoea patients were not included in the study. The participants and their partners filled out evaluations concerning snoring intensity, mouth dryness and Epworth Sleepiness Scale prior to and after using Breath Right nasal strips for 14 consecutive nights. The Breathe Right external nasal dilator is a simple, nonpharmaceutical method to decrease nasal airway resistance and thus potentially reduce or eliminate snoring. After using the strips there were statistically significant decreases in snoring (p < 0.001) as graded by the bed partner, and in mouth dryness (p = 0.025) and in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores (p = 0.001), as graded by the patient. The results of this study indicate that Breathe Right nasal strips may be used to reduce snoring, mouth dryness and sleepiness in patients presenting with symptoms of snoring.