Using 2,8,5'-[3H]ATP as a direct photoaffinity label for membrane-bound nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) from Torpedo marmorata, we have identified a binding site for ATP in the extracellular region of the beta-subunit of the receptor. Photolabeling was completely inhibited in the presence of saturating concentrations of nonradioactive ATP, whereas neither the purinoreceptor antagonists suramin, theophyllin, and caffeine nor the nAChR antagonists alpha-bungarotoxin and d-tubocurarine affected the labeling reaction. Competitive and noncompetitive nicotinic agonists and Ca2+ increased the yield of the photoreaction by up to 50%, suggesting that the respective binding sites are allosterically linked with the ATP site. The dissociation constant KD of binding of ATP to the identified site on the nAChR was of the order of 10(-4) M. Sites of labeling were found in the sequence regions Leu11-Pro17 and Asp152-His163 of the nAChR beta-subunit. These regions may represent parts of a single binding site for ATP, which is discontinuously distributed within the primary structure of the N-terminal extracellular domain. The existence of an extracellular binding site for ATP confirms, on the molecular level, that this nucleotide can directly act on nicotinic receptors, as has been suggested from previous electrophysiological and biochemical studies.