Age, sex, and gravidity significantly affect blood values in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The objective of the study reported here was to provide clinicians and researchers with complete blood values for clinically normal, domestically reared rhesus monkeys of Indian origin and of different age, sex, and gravidity. Values were obtained from 527 healthy, domestically bred and reared rhesus monkeys at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson's Department of Veterinary Sciences, Bastrop, Texas. Because standardized reference values are vital when dealing with the healthcare of a breeding population of rhesus monkeys, it is imperative to have a comprehensive set of reference serum biochemical and hematologic values based on sex, age, and gravidity to determine the overall health status of an individual monkey or a colony used for breeding or research. Establishing reference values allows accurate interpretation of biochemical and hematologic values for normal, subclinical, or clinically ill animals.