The aim of this study was to design a concise, focused questionnaire to measure individuals' perceptions of the impact of their renal condition on their quality of life, taking account of the importance of life domains relevant for the individual. The design of the renal-dependent quality of life (RDQoL) questionnaire was based on that of the Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) diabetes-specific individualized quality of life questionnaire, which was influenced by patient-centered principles underlying the interview method of McGee et al. The questionnaires specify life domains, and the respondents rate personally applicable domains for the importance and impact of the renal condition. Observation in eight U.K. renal clinics, together with 40 in-depth interviews with peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, and transplant patients, provided the basis for item selection for the RDQoL. The results of the study were as follows: each of the 13 ADDQoL items was relevant and important for renal patients. Additional suggestions for items included physical appearance, dependency, freedom, restrictions of fluid intake, and societal prejudice. In conclusion, unlike other quality of life measures, the RDQoL is an individualized questionnaire measure of the impact of renal disease and its treatment on quality of life. Face and content validity is established for adult renal patients, and the RDQoL is being further evaluated for research and clinical use.