The need in making the process of transfer of patients to spontaneous respiration using ventilation of the lungs with inspiratory pressure support (VLIPS) after prolonged mechanical ventilation of the lungs prompted the authors to analyze the prognostic value of criteria traditionally used by the physician to cease or decrease the respiratory support (vital capacity of the lungs, peak spontaneous flow, PaO2, etc.) and the P0.1 occlusion pressure in the airways at the end of the first 100 msec of inhalation. This latter value proved to be the most sensitive (88%), specific (86%), positive (95%) and negative (67%) prognostic value in predicting the results of decrease of respiratory support under conditions of VLIPS. The P0.1 value determining the result of decrease of respiratory support in patients with parenchymatous pulmonary diseases under conditions of VLIPS is 3.8 cm H2O.