For different reasons cancers of the Prostate, Testis and Penis are important diseases for men. The incidence for prostate and testicular cancers are more commonly seen in developed countries, while penile cancer occurs more frequently in the developing countries. In Mumbai the incidence of prostatic and testicular cancers is low whereas penile cancer is high when compared with international reports. In Mumbai. The incidence of prostatic cancer increases only after the age of 50. The age specific incidence rates for testicular cancers are bimodal whereas the incidence of Penile cancer increases exponentially with age, after the age 30. In Mumbai. The incidence of Prostate cancer was six times higher in the Parsis as compared to other communities. The incidence of cancer of the testis is lowest in Hindus and cancer of penis is not seen in Muslims. The incidence of prostate cancer was highest among Gujrathis and there was an absence of penile cancer in Urdu speaking men. In Bombay the incidence of cancers of the prostate, testis and penis seem to be associated with marital status. The association between incidence and education level of the patients was only found in men having cancer of the testis. There seems to be an increase in age adjusted incidence rates for cancers of the prostate and testis over time period of 30 years, whereas penile cancer incidence was decreasing over the same period.