The effect of anterior colporrhaphy and colpoperineoplasty operation for stress incontinence and/or genital descent on sexual life was studied in 44 women. All sexually active cases prior to the operation for stress incontinence and/or genital descent were evaluated by interview and gynaecological examination immediately before and six months after the operation. Prior to the operation, 30 out of 44 patients (68.2%), found their sexual life unsatisfactory because of various reasons like urinary incontinence, genital descent, vaginal relaxation and urinary incontinence during intercourse. Postoperatively, 20 (66%) of these 30 patients improved, 4 (14%) showed no change and 6 (20%) deteriorated. Twelve of 14 (86%) patients who found their sexual life satisfactory before the operation described no change and 2 (14%) experienced deterioration postoperatively. Overall, 8 patients described deterioration postoperatively and all complained of dyspareunia. Colpoperineoplasty in combination with anterior colporrhaphy might cause dyspareunia in some patients. Colpoperineoplasty may increase the disturbances due to the atrophic changes related to menopause and should therefore be done selectively.