Due to the small path length and low injection volume the concentration limit of detection is comparatively poor in capillary electrophoresis (CZE) with UV detection. This limitation can be overcome by means of preconcentration methods and/or improved detection techniques. This paper describes a strategy where isotachophoresis (ITP) is used to preconcentrate a new cholinesterase inhibitor (NXX-066) prior to a capillary zone electrophoresis analysis in the same single capillary. A hydrodynamic backpressure is used to prevent the analyte from migrating out of the capillary. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is used to further increase the detectability. The total gain in detectability with ITP-CZE-LIF compared to CZE-UV was at least 5500-fold, and it is possible to determine NXX-066 at the 1 nM level. The ITP-CZE method was further evaluated for two beta-blockers; the mean coefficient of variation of the peak areas was 3.4% and the linearity of the calibration plots was satisfying.