We studied polymorphism of the HLA-DP gene in 46 patients with optico-spinal form (Asian type) multiple sclerosis (MS) showing recurrent opticomyelitis and 46 patients with Western type MS with disseminated central nervous system involvement. We previously reported a significant association between an HLA-DRB1 *1501-DRB5*0101 haplotype and susceptibility to Western type but not Asian type MS. In the present study, we found that the frequencies of DPA1 *0202 and DPB1 *0501 alleles were significantly increased in patients with Asian type MS, as compared with findings in 92 healthy control subjects (91.3% vs 65.2%, P(corr)<0.05 and 89.1% vs 63.0%, P(corr)<0.05 respectively), but not in Western type MS. Our data provide further evidence that Asian and Western type MS are distinct regarding the immunogenetic background.