This communication investigates the effect of oxidative stress upon the lenses of young normal and glutathione peroxidase-1 (GSHPx-1) Knockout mice. Both normal and knockout lenses have similar biochemical and morpholigical characteristics and the elimination of GSHPx-1 only decreases slightly the ability of the lens to degrade H2O2. Examination of the effect of a 4 hr photochemical stress on morphological characteristics indicates that there is comparable damage in the normal and knockout lenses in the epithelial and bow regions while the posterior region remains normal. However, at 24 hrs post-insult, the normal lenses appear to recover somewhat in the bow region while the knockout bow and posterior regions have extensive damage. In contrast to the morphological data, the biochemical parameters (14C)choline transport and (3H)thymidine incorporation are affected to a somewhat greater extent in the knockout lenses than in normal lenses. While both of these parameters are further affected in the 24 hr post-insult period, there is no further change in the relative effects upon normal and knockout lenses. Non-protein thiol is affected in a similar manner in both lens types. The effect upon biochemical parameters of tertiary butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) insult was similar to H2O2 and photochemical stress. The overall conclusion is that young GSHPx-1 knockout lenses handle oxidative stress somewhat less effectively than comparable normal lenses but non-stressed knockout lenses appear normal. These results differ from observations reported by Reddy et al. (1997) under somewhat different conditions.