Full length cDNA and genomic DNA of porcine alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase were isolated, and their structures were analysed. The coding region was encoded by six exons as in the mouse, and the length of each exon was conserved between the two species. The porcine exons were designated Exon 4-9, since in the mouse coding exons started from Exon 4. Introns tended to be longer in the porcine gene; the distance from Exon 4 to the 3'-end of Exon 9 was 24 kb, while this region was 18 kb in the mouse gene. The cDNA structure was extended from the previous data to the 3'-end and to the 5' side of the cDNA. In addition to a cDNA clone with all coding exons, clones lacking parts of these exons were isolated and their structures were determined. One variant lacked Exon 5; the second, Exons 5 and 6; and the third, Exons 5, 6 and 7. The last variant was not found in the mouse, and cDNA transfection of this variant yielded scarcely any enzymatic activity using asialo alpha1-acid glycoprotein as a substrate, and decreased activity using N-acetyllactosamine as a substrate.