Objectives: This article examines differences by occupation in daily cigarette smoking prevalence and intensity among full-time workers, and how these differences are associated with smoking restrictions at work.
Data sources: Most of the data are from a Health Canada-sponsored Supplement to the 1994/95 National Population Health Survey (NPHS). The analysis is based on 5,674 respondents aged 15 to 64 who were full-time workers at the time of their interview. Comparable information is presented from the 1978/79 Canada Health Survey and the 1986 Labour Force Survey Smoking Supplement.
Main results: In 1994/95, 28% of full-time workers were daily smokers, and about a third of them smoked 25 or more cigarettes a day. Smoking prevalence and intensity were lowest among white-collar workers and highest among blue-collar workers. Since 1978/79, there has been an overall decline in smoking prevalence, and since 1986, a decline in smoking intensity among all workers except those in outdoor blue-collar occupations. About 6 in 10 full-time workers who smoked daily encountered restrictions at work.