Search Page
Results by year
Table representation of search results timeline featuring number of search results per year.
Year | Number of Results |
1990 | 1 |
1992 | 2 |
1993 | 10 |
1994 | 5 |
1995 | 8 |
1996 | 9 |
1997 | 15 |
1998 | 30 |
1999 | 28 |
2000 | 23 |
2001 | 68 |
2002 | 66 |
2003 | 100 |
2004 | 129 |
2005 | 129 |
2006 | 172 |
2007 | 185 |
2008 | 188 |
2009 | 163 |
2010 | 177 |
2011 | 215 |
2012 | 200 |
2013 | 208 |
2014 | 196 |
2015 | 240 |
2016 | 244 |
2017 | 265 |
2018 | 252 |
2019 | 266 |
2020 | 300 |
2021 | 336 |
2022 | 368 |
2023 | 375 |
2024 | 335 |
Search Results
4,694 results
Results by year
RESULTS: After a median follow-up of approximately 38 months, median PFS was 27.6 months for palbociclib-letrozole (n = 444) and 14.5 months for placebo-letrozole (n = 222) (HR 0.563; 1-sided P < 0.0001). ...The improvement of PFS with palbociclib-letrozole