Review of instrumental texture measurements as phenotypic tool to assess textural diversity of root, tuber and banana food products.
Ayetigbo O, Arufe S, Kouassi A, Adinsi L, Adesokan M, Escobar A, Delgado LF, Tanimola A, Oroniran O, Kendine Vepowo C, Nakitto M, Khakasa E, Chijioke U, Nowakunda K, Ngoh Newilah G, Otegbayo B, Akissoe N, Lechaudel M, Tran T, Alamu EO, Maziya-Dixon B, Mestres C, Dufour D.
Ayetigbo O, et al. Among authors: escobar a.
J Sci Food Agric. 2024 Jun;104(8):4527-4539. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.13072. Epub 2023 Nov 29.
J Sci Food Agric. 2024.
PMID: 37872724