Calibration of the microcalorimeter spectrometer on-board the Hitomi (Astro-H) observatory (invited).
Eckart ME, Boyce KR, Brown GV, Chiao MP, Fujimoto R, Haas D, den Herder JW, Ishisaki Y, Kelley RL, Kilbourne CA, Leutenegger MA, McCammon D, Mitsuda K, Porter FS, Sawada M, Sneiderman GA, Szymkowiak AE, Takei Y, Tashiro M, Tsujimoto M, de Vries CP, Watanabe T, Yamada S, Yamasaki NY.
Eckart ME, et al.
Rev Sci Instrum. 2016 Nov;87(11):11D503. doi: 10.1063/1.4961075.
Rev Sci Instrum. 2016.
PMID: 27910640
The Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) was a pioneering non-dispersive imaging x-ray spectrometer with 5 eV FWHM energy resolution, consisting of an array of 36 silicon-thermistor microcalorimeters at the focus of a high-throughput soft x-ray telescope. ...
The Hitomi Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) was a pioneering non-dispersive imaging x-ray spectrometer with 5 eV FWHM energy resolution, …