Cause of Cambrian Explosion - Terrestrial or Cosmic?
Steele EJ, Al-Mufti S, Augustyn KA, Chandrajith R, Coghlan JP, Coulson SG, Ghosh S, Gillman M, Gorczynski RM, Klyce B, Louis G, Mahanama K, Oliver KR, Padron J, Qu J, Schuster JA, Smith WE, Snyder DP, Steele JA, Stewart BJ, Temple R, Tokoro G, Tout CA, Unzicker A, Wainwright M, Wallis J, Wallis DH, Wallis MK, Wetherall J, Wickramasinghe DT, Wickramasinghe JT, Wickramasinghe NC, Liu Y.
Steele EJ, et al.
Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2018 Aug;136:3-23. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2018.03.004. Epub 2018 Mar 13.
Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2018.
PMID: 29544820
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We believe this coincidence is not fortuitous but is consistent with a key prediction of H-W theory whereby major extinction-diversification evolutionary boundaries coincide with virus-bearing cometary-bolide bombardment events. A second focus is the remarkable evolution o …
We believe this coincidence is not fortuitous but is consistent with a key prediction of H-W theory whereby major extinction-diversification …