Exposure to inorganic particles in paediatric sarcoidosis: the PEDIASARC study.
Nathan N, Montagne ME, Macchi O, Rosental PA, Chauveau S, Jeny F, Sesé L, Abou Taam R, Brocvielle M, Brouard J, Catinon M, Chapelon-Abric C, Cohen-Aubart F, Delacourt C, Delestrain C, Deschildre A, Dossier A, Epaud R, Haroche J, Houdouin V, Israel-Biet D, Juvin K, Le Jeune S, Lionnet F, Meinzer U, Mittaine M, Nunes H, Mattioni S, Naccache JM, Odièvre MH, Vincent M, Clement A, Valeyre D, Cavalin C; French Sarcoidosis Group and the Silicosis Research Group.
Nathan N, et al. Among authors: cavalin c.
Thorax. 2022 Apr;77(4):404-407. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-217870. Epub 2021 Oct 21.
Thorax. 2022.
PMID: 34675126