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106 results

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The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study: Imaging acquisition across 21 sites.
Casey BJ, Cannonier T, Conley MI, Cohen AO, Barch DM, Heitzeg MM, Soules ME, Teslovich T, Dellarco DV, Garavan H, Orr CA, Wager TD, Banich MT, Speer NK, Sutherland MT, Riedel MC, Dick AS, Bjork JM, Thomas KM, Chaarani B, Mejia MH, Hagler DJ Jr, Daniela Cornejo M, Sicat CS, Harms MP, Dosenbach NUF, Rosenberg M, Earl E, Bartsch H, Watts R, Polimeni JR, Kuperman JM, Fair DA, Dale AM; ABCD Imaging Acquisition Workgroup. Casey BJ, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Aug;32:43-54. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2018.03.001. Epub 2018 Mar 14. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2018. PMID: 29567376 Free PMC article. Review.
Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents.
Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Kleinman LC, Snowden JN, Rosenzweig EB, Milner JD, Tantisira KG, Rhee KE, Jernigan TL, Kinser PA, Salisbury AL, Warburton D, Mohandas S, Wood JC, Newburger JW, Truong DT, Flaherman VJ, Metz TD, Karlson EW, Chibnik LB, Pant DB, Krishnamoorthy A, Gallagher R, Lamendola-Essel MF, Hasson DC, Katz SD, Yin S, Dreyer BP, Carmilani M, Coombs K, Fitzgerald ML, Güthe N, Hornig M, Letts RJ, Peddie AK, Taylor BD, Balaraman V, Bogie A, Bukulmez H, Dozor AJ, Eckrich D, Elliott AJ, Evans DN, Farkas JS, Faustino EVS, Fischer L, Gaur S, Harahsheh AS, Hasan UN, Hsia DS, Huerta-Montañez G, Hummel KD, Kadish MP, Kaelber DC, Krishnan S, Kosut JS, Larrabee J, Lim PPC, Michelow IC, Oliveira CR, Raissy H, Rosario-Pabon Z, Ross JL, Sato AI, Stevenson MD, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Weakley KE, Zimmerman E, Bind MC, Chan J, Guan Z, Morse RE, Reeder HT, Akshoomoff N, Aschner JL, Bhattacharjee R, Cottrell LA, Cowan K, D'Sa VA, Fiks AG, Gennaro ML, Irby K, Khare M, Guttierrez JL, McCulloh RJ, Narang S, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan S, Palumbo P, Ryu J, Salazar JC, Selvarangan R, Stein CR, Werzberger A, Zempsky WT, Aupperle R, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Boo… See abstract for full author list ➔ Gross RS, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. JAMA. 2024 Aug 21;332(14):1174-88. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.12747. Online ahead of print. JAMA. 2024. PMID: 39196964 Free article.
Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.
Hagler DJ Jr, Hatton S, Cornejo MD, Makowski C, Fair DA, Dick AS, Sutherland MT, Casey BJ, Barch DM, Harms MP, Watts R, Bjork JM, Garavan HP, Hilmer L, Pung CJ, Sicat CS, Kuperman J, Bartsch H, Xue F, Heitzeg MM, Laird AR, Trinh TT, Gonzalez R, Tapert SF, Riedel MC, Squeglia LM, Hyde LW, Rosenberg MD, Earl EA, Howlett KD, Baker FC, Soules M, Diaz J, de Leon OR, Thompson WK, Neale MC, Herting M, Sowell ER, Alvarez RP, Hawes SW, Sanchez M, Bodurka J, Breslin FJ, Morris AS, Paulus MP, Simmons WK, Polimeni JR, van der Kouwe A, Nencka AS, Gray KM, Pierpaoli C, Matochik JA, Noronha A, Aklin WM, Conway K, Glantz M, Hoffman E, Little R, Lopez M, Pariyadath V, Weiss SR, Wolff-Hughes DL, DelCarmen-Wiggins R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Miranda-Dominguez O, Nagel BJ, Perrone AJ, Sturgeon DT, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Pohl KM, Prouty D, Uban K, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M, Galvan A, Bagot K, Giedd J, Infante MA, Jacobus J, Patrick K, Shilling PD, Desikan R, Li Y, Sugrue L, Banich MT, Friedman N, Hewitt JK, Hopfer C, Sakai J, Tanabe J, Cottler LB, Nixon SJ, Chang L, Cloak C, Ernst T, Reeves G, Kennedy DN, Heeringa S, Peltier S, Schulenberg J, Sripada C, Zucker RA, Iacono WG, Luciana M, Calabro … See abstract for full author list ➔ Hagler DJ Jr, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. Neuroimage. 2019 Nov 15;202:116091. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116091. Epub 2019 Aug 12. Neuroimage. 2019. PMID: 31415884 Free PMC article.
Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.
Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Gage Witvliet M, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Bradford T, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Chrisant M, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dionne A, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Handler S, Harahsheh AS, Hasbani K, Heath AC, Hebson C, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson… See abstract for full author list ➔ Gross RS, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. PLoS One. 2024 May 7;19(5):e0285635. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285635. eCollection 2024. PLoS One. 2024. PMID: 38713673 Free PMC article.
Genetic imaging consortium for addiction medicine: From neuroimaging to genes.
Mackey S, Kan KJ, Chaarani B, Alia-Klein N, Batalla A, Brooks S, Cousijn J, Dagher A, de Ruiter M, Desrivieres S, Feldstein Ewing SW, Goldstein RZ, Goudriaan AE, Heitzeg MM, Hutchison K, Li CS, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, Morales AM, Paulus MP, Paus T, Pearlson G, Schluter R, Momenan R, Schmaal L, Schumann G, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Solowij N, Tapert S, Uhlmann A, Veltman D, van Holst R, Walter H, Wright MJ, Yucel M, Yurgelun-Todd D, Hibar DP, Jahanshad N, Thompson PM, Glahn DC, Garavan H, Conrod P. Mackey S, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. Prog Brain Res. 2016;224:203-23. doi: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2015.07.026. Epub 2015 Nov 4. Prog Brain Res. 2016. PMID: 26822360 Free PMC article. Review.
Charting brain growth and aging at high spatial precision.
Rutherford S, Fraza C, Dinga R, Kia SM, Wolfers T, Zabihi M, Berthet P, Worker A, Verdi S, Andrews D, Han LK, Bayer JM, Dazzan P, McGuire P, Mocking RT, Schene A, Sripada C, Tso IF, Duval ER, Chang SE, Penninx BW, Heitzeg MM, Burt SA, Hyde LW, Amaral D, Wu Nordahl C, Andreasssen OA, Westlye LT, Zahn R, Ruhe HG, Beckmann C, Marquand AF. Rutherford S, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. Elife. 2022 Feb 1;11:e72904. doi: 10.7554/eLife.72904. Elife. 2022. PMID: 35101172 Free PMC article.
Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.
Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Witvliet MG, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Harahsheh AS, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Iacono WG, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, Mendels… See abstract for full author list ➔ Gross R, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 May 12:2023.04.27.23289228. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.27.23289228. medRxiv. 2023. Update in: PLoS One. 2023 Jun 23;18(6):e0286297. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286297. PMID: 37214806 Free PMC article. Updated. Preprint.
What is a representative brain? Neuroscience meets population science.
Falk EB, Hyde LW, Mitchell C, Faul J, Gonzalez R, Heitzeg MM, Keating DP, Langa KM, Martz ME, Maslowsky J, Morrison FJ, Noll DC, Patrick ME, Pfeffer FT, Reuter-Lorenz PA, Thomason ME, Davis-Kean P, Monk CS, Schulenberg J. Falk EB, et al. Among authors: heitzeg mm. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 29;110(44):17615-22. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1310134110. Epub 2013 Oct 22. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013. PMID: 24151336 Free PMC article. Review.
106 results