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EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2023 update.
Gossec L, Kerschbaumer A, Ferreira RJO, Aletaha D, Baraliakos X, Bertheussen H, Boehncke WH, Esbensen BA, McInnes IB, McGonagle D, Winthrop KL, Balanescu A, Balint PV, Burmester GR, Cañete JD, Claudepierre P, Eder L, Hetland ML, Iagnocco A, Kristensen LE, Lories R, Queiro R, Mauro D, Marzo-Ortega H, Mease PJ, Nash P, Wagenaar W, Savage L, Schett G, Shoop-Worrall SJW, Tanaka Y, Van den Bosch FE, van der Helm-van Mil A, Zabotti A, van der Heijde D, Smolen JS. Gossec L, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2024 May 15;83(6):706-719. doi: 10.1136/ard-2024-225531. Ann Rheum Dis. 2024. PMID: 38499325 Free PMC article.
EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: 2019 update.
Smolen JS, Landewé RBM, Bijlsma JWJ, Burmester GR, Dougados M, Kerschbaumer A, McInnes IB, Sepriano A, van Vollenhoven RF, de Wit M, Aletaha D, Aringer M, Askling J, Balsa A, Boers M, den Broeder AA, Buch MH, Buttgereit F, Caporali R, Cardiel MH, De Cock D, Codreanu C, Cutolo M, Edwards CJ, van Eijk-Hustings Y, Emery P, Finckh A, Gossec L, Gottenberg JE, Hetland ML, Huizinga TWJ, Koloumas M, Li Z, Mariette X, Müller-Ladner U, Mysler EF, da Silva JAP, Poór G, Pope JE, Rubbert-Roth A, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Saag KG, Strangfeld A, Takeuchi T, Voshaar M, Westhovens R, van der Heijde D. Smolen JS, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Jun;79(6):685-699. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216655. Epub 2020 Jan 22. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020. PMID: 31969328 Free article.
EULAR definition of arthralgia suspicious for progression to rheumatoid arthritis.
van Steenbergen HW, Aletaha D, Beaart-van de Voorde LJ, Brouwer E, Codreanu C, Combe B, Fonseca JE, Hetland ML, Humby F, Kvien TK, Niedermann K, Nuño L, Oliver S, Rantapää-Dahlqvist S, Raza K, van Schaardenburg D, Schett G, De Smet L, Szücs G, Vencovský J, Wiland P, de Wit M, Landewé RL, van der Helm-van Mil AH. van Steenbergen HW, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017 Mar;76(3):491-496. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-209846. Epub 2016 Oct 6. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017. PMID: 27991858
Consensus statement on blocking interleukin-6 receptor and interleukin-6 in inflammatory conditions: an update.
Aletaha D, Kerschbaumer A, Kastrati K, Dejaco C, Dougados M, McInnes IB, Sattar N, Stamm TA, Takeuchi T, Trauner M, van der Heijde D, Voshaar M, Winthrop KL, Ravelli A, Betteridge N, Burmester GR, Bijlsma JW, Bykerk V, Caporali R, Choy EH, Codreanu C, Combe B, Crow MK, de Wit M, Emery P, Fleischmann RM, Gabay C, Hetland ML, Hyrich KL, Iagnocco A, Isaacs JD, Kremer JM, Mariette X, Merkel PA, Mysler EF, Nash P, Nurmohamed MT, Pavelka K, Poor G, Rubbert-Roth A, Schulze-Koops H, Strangfeld A, Tanaka Y, Smolen JS. Aletaha D, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Jun;82(6):773-787. doi: 10.1136/ard-2022-222784. Epub 2022 Aug 11. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023. PMID: 35953263 Free article.
Certolizumab pegol, abatacept, tocilizumab or active conventional treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis: 48-week clinical and radiographic results of the investigator-initiated randomised controlled NORD-STAR trial.
Østergaard M, van Vollenhoven RF, Rudin A, Hetland ML, Heiberg MS, Nordström DC, Nurmohamed MT, Gudbjornsson B, Ørnbjerg LM, Bøyesen P, Lend K, Hørslev-Petersen K, Uhlig T, Sokka T, Grondal G, Krabbe S, Lindqvist J, Gjertsson I, Glinatsi D, Kapetanovic MC, Aga AB, Faustini F, Parmanne P, Lorenzen T, Giovanni C, Back J, Hendricks O, Vedder D, Rannio T, Grenholm E, Ljoså MK, Brodin E, Lindegaard H, Söderbergh A, Rizk M, Kastbom A, Larsson P, Uhrenholt L, Just SA, Stevens DJ, Bay Laurbjerg T, Bakland G, Olsen IC, Haavardsholm EA, Lampa J; NORD-STAR study group. Østergaard M, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Oct;82(10):1286-1295. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224116. Epub 2023 Jul 9. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023. PMID: 37423647 Clinical Trial.
Rheumatology: biosimilars are here to stay.
Hetland ML. Hetland ML. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Apr 11;61(4):1312-1313. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab663. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022. PMID: 34559204 No abstract available.
Multiomics analysis of rheumatoid arthritis yields sequence variants that have large effects on risk of the seropositive subset.
Saevarsdottir S, Stefansdottir L, Sulem P, Thorleifsson G, Ferkingstad E, Rutsdottir G, Glintborg B, Westerlind H, Grondal G, Loft IC, Sorensen SB, Lie BA, Brink M, Ärlestig L, Arnthorsson AO, Baecklund E, Banasik K, Bank S, Bjorkman LI, Ellingsen T, Erikstrup C, Frei O, Gjertsson I, Gudbjartsson DF, Gudjonsson SA, Halldorsson GH, Hendricks O, Hillert J, Hogdall E, Jacobsen S, Jensen DV, Jonsson H, Kastbom A, Kockum I, Kristensen S, Kristjansdottir H, Larsen MH, Linauskas A, Hauge EM, Loft AG, Ludviksson BR, Lund SH, Markusson T, Masson G, Melsted P, Moore KHS, Munk H, Nielsen KR, Norddahl GL, Oddsson A, Olafsdottir TA, Olason PI, Olsson T, Ostrowski SR, Hørslev-Petersen K, Rognvaldsson S, Sanner H, Silberberg GN, Stefansson H, Sørensen E, Sørensen IJ, Turesson C, Bergman T, Alfredsson L, Kvien TK, Brunak S, Steinsson K, Andersen V, Andreassen OA, Rantapää-Dahlqvist S, Hetland ML, Klareskog L, Askling J, Padyukov L, Pedersen OB, Thorsteinsdottir U, Jonsdottir I, Stefansson K; Members of the DBDS Genomic Consortium; Danish RA Genetics Working Group; Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register Biobank Study Group (SRQb). Saevarsdottir S, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Ann Rheum Dis. 2022 Aug;81(8):1085-1095. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-221754. Epub 2022 Apr 25. Ann Rheum Dis. 2022. PMID: 35470158 Free PMC article.
Active conventional treatment and three different biological treatments in early rheumatoid arthritis: phase IV investigator initiated, randomised, observer blinded clinical trial.
Hetland ML, Haavardsholm EA, Rudin A, Nordström D, Nurmohamed M, Gudbjornsson B, Lampa J, Hørslev-Petersen K, Uhlig T, Grondal G, Østergaard M, Heiberg MS, Twisk J, Lend K, Krabbe S, Hyldstrup LH, Lindqvist J, Hultgård Ekwall AK, Grøn KL, Kapetanovic M, Faustini F, Tuompo R, Lorenzen T, Cagnotto G, Baecklund E, Hendricks O, Vedder D, Sokka-Isler T, Husmark T, Ljoså MA, Brodin E, Ellingsen T, Söderbergh A, Rizk M, Olsson ÅR, Larsson P, Uhrenholt L, Just SA, Stevens DJ, Laurberg TB, Bakland G, Olsen IC, van Vollenhoven R; NORD-STAR study group. Hetland ML, et al. BMJ. 2020 Dec 2;371:m4328. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4328. BMJ. 2020. PMID: 33268527 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.
Obesity is a risk factor for poor response to treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis: a NORD-STAR study.
Dubovyk V, Vasileiadis GK, Fatima T, Zhang Y, Kapetanovic MC, Kastbom A, Rizk M, Söderbergh A, Zhao SS, van Vollenhoven RF, Hetland ML, Haavardsholm EA, Nordström D, Nurmohamed MT, Gudbjornsson B, Lampa J, Østergaard M, Heiberg MS, Sokka-Isler T, Gröndal G, Lend K, Hørslev-Petersen K, Uhlig T, Rudin A, Maglio C. Dubovyk V, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. RMD Open. 2024 Apr 4;10(2):e004227. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2024-004227. RMD Open. 2024. PMID: 38580350 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.
Differences and similarities between the EULAR/ASAS-EULAR and national recommendations for treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis across Europe.
Michelsen B, Østergaard M, Nissen MJ, Ciurea A, Möller B, Ørnbjerg LM, Zavada J, Glintborg B, MacDonald A, Laas K, Nordström D, Gudbjornsson B, Iannone F, Hellmand P, Kvien TK, Rodrigues AM, Codreanu C, Rotar Z, Castrejón Fernández I, Wallman JK, Vencovsky J, Loft AG, Heddle M, Vorobjov S, Hokkanen AM, Gröndal G, Sebastiani M, van de Sande M, Kristianslund EK, Santos MJ, Mogosan C, Tomsic M, Díaz-González F, Di Giuseppe D, Hetland ML. Michelsen B, et al. Among authors: hetland ml. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023 Aug 4;33:100706. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100706. eCollection 2023 Oct. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023. PMID: 37601339 Free PMC article. Review.
337 results