Integrating data types to estimate spatial patterns of avian migration across the Western Hemisphere.
Meehan TD, Saunders SP, DeLuca WV, Michel NL, Grand J, Deppe JL, Jimenez MF, Knight EJ, Seavy NE, Smith MA, Taylor L, Witko C, Akresh ME, Barber DR, Bayne EM, Beasley JC, Belant JL, Bierregaard RO, Bildstein KL, Boves TJ, Brzorad JN, Campbell SP, Celis-Murillo A, Cooke HA, Domenech R, Goodrich L, Gow EA, Haines A, Hallworth MT, Hill JM, Holland AE, Jennings S, Kays R, King DT, Mackenzie SA, Marra PP, McCabe RA, McFarland KP, McGrady MJ, Melcer R Jr, Norris DR, Norvell RE, Rhodes OE Jr, Rimmer CC, Scarpignato AL, Shreading A, Watson JL, Wilsey CB.
Meehan TD, et al. Among authors: knight ej.
Ecol Appl. 2022 Oct;32(7):e2679. doi: 10.1002/eap.2679. Epub 2022 Jul 6.
Ecol Appl. 2022.
PMID: 35588285
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