Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of cryptococcosis: an initiative of the ECMM and ISHAM in cooperation with the ASM.
Chang CC, Harrison TS, Bicanic TA, Chayakulkeeree M, Sorrell TC, Warris A, Hagen F, Spec A, Oladele R, Govender NP, Chen SC, Mody CH, Groll AH, Chen YC, Lionakis MS, Alanio A, Castañeda E, Lizarazo J, Vidal JE, Takazono T, Hoenigl M, Alffenaar JW, Gangneux JP, Soman R, Zhu LP, Bonifaz A, Jarvis JN, Day JN, Klimko N, Salmanton-García J, Jouvion G, Meya DB, Lawrence D, Rahn S, Bongomin F, McMullan BJ, Sprute R, Nyazika TK, Beardsley J, Carlesse F, Heath CH, Ayanlowo OO, Mashedi OM, Queiroz-Telles Filho F, Hosseinipour MC, Patel AK, Temfack E, Singh N, Cornely OA, Boulware DR, Lortholary O, Pappas PG, Perfect JR.
Chang CC, et al. Among authors: meya db.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2024 Aug;24(8):e495-e512. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00731-4. Epub 2024 Feb 9.
Lancet Infect Dis. 2024.
PMID: 38346436